Archive for August 28th, 2011

August 28, 2011


Part of our wonderful group

Yes, I have hurt my left foot.  Thursday night I believe.  At any rate. I could hardly step on it on Friday.  I immediately went to the shoe store and got new inserts for my shoes.  They have helped, but it still hurts today, Sunday.

So I read that when one gets hurt one takes at least three days off training.  Since I noticed it on Friday.  I take Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off.  And I should apply the R-I-C-E method to it.

R  is for Rest

I is for Ice

C is for Compression

and E is for elevation.

Not sure what good compression will do me in this case. But….I am doing rest and will start ice today.  Yes, I know I should have been doing it all along but I didn’t think.  Well there you have it I didn’t think.

So yes I have seriously thought about quitting.  September 13 is coming nearer and nearer and I have raised about $100 in fund raising.  The funds in this case must be raised before the race not collected afterwards.

The money goes to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.   The link for donations is,

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